Hi everybody and welcome to my home page. My name is Rich Stubbs Jr. and I am a Firefighter/Paramedic at the Weslaco Fire Dept. My certifications include: A.C.L.S., P.A.L.S., P.H.T.L.S., HAZ-MAT Technician level, over 110 hours of National Fire Academy Certificates, and Methods of Teaching just to name a few. I am also an instructor for Live Fire Training, Auto Extrication, EMT-Basic, A.C.L.S., P.A.L.S., C.P.R., and I am one of the many instructors for the Fire Academy that our Department puts on. I am a true 49er fan. Click here to see all my favorite teams I also love my family very much. Take a look at my family in our internet album.My beautiful wife, Melinda, is very supportive considering the job that I do. Not every woman can put up with a Firefighters schedule. Click here for her home page. I also have 3 great children. You can also see them in the album. They are: Kassie (10 years old), CJ (5 years old), and Serena (2 years old). For Kassie's home page, click here. There is more on my Family on PAGE2 but before you go there, wait for the music to load on this page to see if you recognize it. You will be able to see my sister's internet album, a couple of my dad's pages, my brother's home page and my mom's home page.
The WFD page was created by one of our Firefighters. His name is Kevin and he is very talented on the computer. In fact, he is the person that created my background for this page. He also has many certifications as you will see on his home page. Another friend of mine at WFD is Aryadna. Check out her home page too.

Do you remember the 70's show "Emergency!"? Do you like music? For this and other cool stuff click on Serena's picture to go to page 2

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Fireguy1@eudoramail.com or Sign & View my Guestbook.

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